Bowl with fruit from eco rascals

Beyond Cereal: Exploring Nutritious and Delicious Breakfast Alternatives for Children

Jul 07, 2023Celeidh Cook

Breakfast is often touted as the most important meal of the day, especially for children. While cereal has been a breakfast staple for many families, it's important to offer a variety of nutritious options to support children's growth and development. Let's dive into the benefits of providing alternative breakfast options for children and suggest some delicious and wholesome alternatives to cereal.

Smoothie image

Nutritional Variety

Cereal is often high in added sugars and lacks the essential nutrients needed to fuel growing bodies. By offering alternative breakfast options, we can introduce a wider range of nutrients and promote a more balanced diet. This variety supports children's overall health and helps them develop a taste for diverse flavours.

Increased Fiber Intake

Many traditional cereals lack sufficient fiber content, which is crucial for healthy digestion and maintaining steady energy levels. Opting for alternatives like whole-grain toast, oatmeal, or chia seed pudding can significantly increase children's fiber intake, promoting satiety and digestive health.

Essential Protein

Protein is vital for children's growth and development, supporting muscle growth, tissue repair, and a strong immune system. Breakfast alternatives like Greek yogurt, scrambled eggs, or nut butter on whole-grain toast provide a protein-packed start to the day, keeping children satisfied and energised.

Essential Vitamins and Minerals

Cereals often fall short in delivering essential vitamins and minerals that children need to thrive. By incorporating alternatives such as fruit smoothies, avocado toast, or homemade granola with nuts and seeds, we provide important vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats to support their overall well-being.

Here are our Top 6 Easy Alternatives to Cereal

Breakfast Ideas

Avocado and Scrambled Eggs 

Avocados are a great source of potassium, fiber, heart-healthy monounsaturated fat,​ and folate, while eggs provide protein and micronutrients like choline, B vitamins, and vitamin D.

Greek Yoghurt, Fresh Fruit and Oats 

Greek yoghurt is an excellent source of calcium. It also contains probiotics, which supports a healthy bacterial balance in the gut. Fresh fruits are a great source of fibre. 

French Toast 

French toast can be a healthy option but it largely depends on how it's made. High in carbohydrates, fat and protein. Serve it up with fresh fruits to ensure a balance meal full of vitamins and fiber. 

Porridge and peanut butter

Porridge and Peanut Butter

Porridge served with apple and peanut butter make a delicious and healthy combo that tastes delicious together. This combination makes a well-balanced meal of carbs, fat, fibre and protein.

Chia Pudding


Chia Pudding 

Chia seed pudding is a super-tasty and extremely easy way to sneak healthy fats into your children's diet. Chia seeds are filled with omega-3 fatty acids — the good fats that promote heart and joint health and aid memory. Top with fresh fruit for added benefits.

Spinach Pancakes 

Spinach has vitamins and minerals like vitamin E and magnesium that support your immune system. Eating spinach regularly can help to keep you safe from viruses and bacteria that cause disease. It also defends your body from other things that can hurt you, like toxins.

By expanding our breakfast horizons beyond cereal, we can provide children with a wider range of nutrients, flavours, and textures. Let's embrace the opportunity to make breakfast a delightful and nourishing experience for our little ones.

Don't forget to ensure you are serving your children's breakfast up on non-toxic products such as our bamboo suction plates and our bamboo bowl and spoon set.

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