100 first foods before 1 - Part 4

100 first foods before 1 - Part 4

Aug 05, 2024Celeidh Cook

Hopefully you have been following on with our five part series on introducing your baby to their first 100 foods before their first year! 

We're on Part 4 already and flavours are really ramping up!

Foods 61 to 80

1. Coconut:
Coconut is a nutrient-dense food rich in healthy fats, which are essential for brain development. Its natural sweetness makes it a great addition to both savoury and sweet dishes.

2. Spinach:
Packed with iron and vitamins A, C, and K, spinach is a powerhouse of nutrition. It supports healthy vision, immune function, and strong bones. It also makes lots of wonderful food turn green which children love!

3. Chia Seeds:
These tiny seeds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, and protein. They help in digestion and provide sustained energy for your growing child. Make sure to pre-soak before feeding to little ones.

4. Figs:
Figs are a great source of fibre and natural sugars. 

5. Mushroom:
Mushrooms are rich in B vitamins and minerals like selenium and copper. They support a healthy immune system and are a versatile ingredient in many dishes.

6. Rice Cakes:
Rice cakes are a light and crunchy snack that can be topped with various spreads or eaten plain. They are gluten-free and easy for babies to hold.

7. Black Beans:
High in protein and fibre, black beans are excellent for muscle growth and digestive health. They can be mashed or pureed for younger babies.

8. Courgette (Zucchini):
Courgette is low in calories but high in essential nutrients like vitamin C and potassium. It can be steamed, grilled, or pureed for easy consumption.

9. Cranberry:
Cranberries are packed with antioxidants and vitamins. 

10. Barley:
Barley is a whole grain rich in fibre and essential minerals like magnesium and selenium. It supports healthy digestion and provides lasting energy.

11. Cottage Cheese:
This creamy cheese is high in protein and calcium, crucial for bone development. 

12. Blackberry:
Blackberries are rich in vitamins C and K and high in antioxidants. 

13. Grapefruit:
Grapefruit is a citrus fruit high in vitamin C and antioxidants. 

14. Rice:
A staple food worldwide, rice provides carbohydrates for energy. It can be served as a soft porridge or mixed with other foods.

15. Parmesan:
Parmesan cheese is rich in calcium and protein. Its strong flavour can enhance the taste of various dishes, encouraging babies to try new foods.

16. Rosemary:
Rosemary is an aromatic herb that can add flavour to dishes. 

17. Kale:
Kale is a superfood rich in vitamins A, C, and K. It supports vision, immune function, and bone health, and can be steamed or pureed.

18. Lemon:
Lemon is high in vitamin C and adds a fresh flavour to foods. A few drops can brighten up any dish and encourage babies to explore new tastes.

19. Basil:
Basil is an aromatic herb with anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used to flavour purees, soups, and other baby-friendly dishes.

20. Beetroot:
Beetroot is rich in iron, folate, and antioxidants. Its vibrant colour and sweet taste make it appealing to babies and can be served steamed or pureed.

Benefits of Introducing Strong Flavours Early

Early exposure to bold tastes such as blackberries, beetroot, grapefruit, and courgette helps children become more adventurous eaters, reducing the likelihood of picky eating. Early exposure to a wide range of ingredients can lay the foundation for lifelong healthy eating patterns and a positive relationship with food.

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