Coconut Chia Pudding

Coconut Chia Pudding

Jan 05, 2024Celeidh Cook

Here at eco rascals, we're big advocates of getting off the daily cereal train and diversifying breakfast to cater for the full day ahead for our children. 

We've recently reintroduced coconut chia puddings in our house and they've gone down as a big hit so we thought we'd share the benefits, the recipe and some topping ideas.

Our children love the coconut taste, but if yours do not, you can alter the recipe to their favourite milk. Chia seeds are said to have a nutty type flavour, but I really can't taste much flavour at all. 

I absolutely LOVE the benefits of Chia seeds for my children's development though. Chia seeds are a complete source of protein which means they contain all 10 amino acids. They are also rich in Omega 3, calcium, zinc, phosphorous and manganese which basically means they are great for growth, development, immune systems, digestion and metabolism to name just a few! 

Chia seeds must be soaked in liquid and allowed to expand before serving. From what I've read, there isn't an official daily consumption limit but we started with a 1/4 teaspoon in chia pudding and have gradually increased to 1/2 teaspoon. We serve chia seeds one to two times per week. We're not on a restrictive diet so we can get nutrients from a vast amount of food. If you wish to serve Chia seeds daily, check with a nutritionist or a health professional and monitor your child closely. 


1 tin full fat coconut milk (400ml)
80 grams chia seeds
1 tablespoon vanilla extract

Makes 6 servings of Coconut Chia Pudding


  1. Pour the coconut milk into a large mixing bowl.
  2. Stir in the chia seeds until evenly spread throughout.
  3. Add the tablespoon of vanilla and whisk well to prevent clumping.
  4. Transfer to a bowl/cup that can withstand the refridgerator and leave to stand for a minimum of two hours or better still overnight.

Chia Pudding Recipe


Chia pudding is a wonderfully diverse breakfast that can be adapted to suit your child's needs. You can use almond, cashew, oat or regular milk too.


Dragon Fruit
Passion Fruit
Peanut Butter 
Almond Butter
Coconut Flakes 
Shaved Almonds
Fruit Purees 


We recommend serving in your eco rascals bamboo cup or your eco rascals bamboo bowl and spoon set

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