Nice Creams in Four Flavours

Nice Creams in Four Flavours

Aug 01, 2024Celeidh Cook

We have four delicious homemade ice creams for you to try with your little ones. The beauty of our recipes is that you have complete control over the ingredients, ensuring no added sugars, artificial flavours, or preservatives, which are common in shop bought ice creams.

Toppings are completely optional and should be chosen based on the age of the child. 

Tropical Pitaya Nice Cream


1 Frozen Banana

1/2 Cup (90g) Frozen Mango Chunks 

1/4 Cup (130g) Frozen Raspberries

1 Cup (140g) Frozen Dragon Fruit/Pitaya

1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract 

1/2 Cup (120ml)  Milk or Milk Alternative


• Blend all ingredients together until smooth and creamy
• Top with Ground Granola, Frozen Yoghurt Shells and Kiwi Stars

Ocean Nice Cream 



1 Frozen Banana

1/2 Avocado 

1 tsp Blue Pea Powder 

1/2 Cup (120ml)  Milk or Milk Alternative


• Blend all ingredients together until smooth and creamy
• Top with Desiccated Coconut, Frozen Blueberries (if child is older than 4 otherwise, leave out) and Frozen Yoghurt Shells. 

Spinach Nice Cream 



1 Frozen Banana

1/2 Avocado 

1 Cup (180g) Frozen Mango

100g Spinach

1/2 Cup (120ml)  Milk or Milk Alternative


• Blend all ingredients together until smooth and creamy
• Top with Kiwi, Raspberries and Coconut Flakes.

Chocolate Nice Cream 



1 Frozen Banana

1/2 Avocado 

1 tsp Peanut Butter 

1 tsp Cocoa Powder

1/2 Cup (120ml)  Milk or Milk Alternative


• Blend all ingredients together until smooth and creamy
• Top with Cacoa nibs, Banana, Coconut Flakes.

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